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Thank YOU!!!!!!! ENJOY!!!:D

Week 1

My Favourite Artist (that has to do with the art industry.)


During the first day of class, Mr.Charles, our lecturer for our contextual studies class gave us a briefing on the class and what we should expect for this class during this semester. He gave us some examples of the works done by his previous classes, our seniors for their final project. Before we left, Mr.Charles gave us a simple homework, and that is to go back home and research about the one artist or designer that inspires us or is our favourite designer. We were to present our research to him in the following class, which is on that Wednesday. 

The artist or designer that captured my attention or is an artist that I admire is Jeannie Mai. Jeannie is an American makeup artist, fashion expert, actress, and TV personality. She is a part Chinese and part Vietnamese, and you might know her from the show "How Do I Look?" on the Diva channel, as that is where I came to get to know of her. She is also known for her trademark blue hair, which also happens to be the hair colour that I have been wanting to have before I came to know of her. The show she is hosting is very special and not like any other shows that I have ever seen before. The show focuses on a fashion victim, someone who has wacky or very bad fashion taste, that is brought into the show by 2 of their family members or close friends and the host, Jeannie will help her or him to change and have a better fashion by the end of the show. 

I admire Jeannie Mai because she is such a nice person and she is willing to help all these "fashion victims" and not just criticize them and laugh at them. She tries to understand why they dress the way they do and even when she criticizes them, she does it in a nice way and she genuinely cares about them and their future. At the end of the show, she always gives them a surprise farewell gift that is very close to their hearts, sometimes even some money for rental or flight tickets to somewhere sentimental to them, and I know that because I watched those episodes, and all her gifts have mesnings to the contestant. 

At the class gave all our short speeches to Mr.Charles, he told us all that we did good research, but instead of just researching for the achievements of the designers and artists, we should also learn and research about their failures so that we can learn from their mistakes.

My research on Jeannie:

After that, Mr.Charles told us that for the group project for the end of the semester, we had to form in groups of five and find out about a few artists that have achieved something or were in the industry for quite a while. At the end of the semester, we will have to interview one of the artists we researched about. I got into a group with Yasmin, Shifa, Cigie, and Becca. We met for a discussion on Friday afternoon after our business class. Yasmin even took her time out just to come and meet up with us even though she does not take the business elective and our afternoon class is cancelled. We all discussed about the possible people to interview and to research about them. They all picked me as their leader, even though I am pretty sure I am more of a follower than a leader, but it's ok as I had my group members to help because they are such cooperative members. We came up with more than 5 names at first, but narrowed it down to 5 artists, as we were only 5 people, and each of us chose one artist to do research about. 

The artist I did research about is Chong Fei Giap, an illustrator that graduated from The One Academy. He is introduced to us by Yasmin, and actually, he is the one that Yasmin did a speech about for her favourite artist. I chose him because I was interested about the fact that he is the one that designed the movie poster for the movie "The Journey", which is a movie that I love a lot. 

All my research comes from these few links below:

These are some information that I have gathered from the various websites:
His name is Chong FeiGiap, and he is born on 25 February 1987, which makes him 27 years old this year. He was born at Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, right here in Malaysia. During the year 2008, FeiGiap graduated from The One Academy. He is also the co-founder of Running Snail Studio starting from 2013. Running Snail Studio provides illustrations and concept art service, and he has some big clients such as Petronas, Astro, Lexus, Dior, and also Sheseido. In 2009, he worked as an illustrator in Sixth Creation Studio, and he also started to work on his personal art project, "Color of Scenery" in 2010. He is also a part-time teacher at The One Academy too, according to his facebook profile. And last but not least, he is the one that created the movie poster for the movie that I love so much, "The Journey"!!!

That's all for now. More updates to come soon!

The notes I took during our discussion.

Cigie took a photo of us being hardworking during group discussion. Shifa and Yasmin were looking for information online while I was jotting down notes.

Our group of 5!!! From left to right(bottom is me, the one holding the phone): Cigie, Yasmin, Becca, and Shifa.
And we have a photobomber, behind Shifa, which is Sara.

Week 6

Interview with experienced Artists in the Art & Design industry

I'm back after quite a long time of absence, but that is only because we have been researching more on the people that we were to interview in the near future. During this time of my absence on this blog, the group has been making a few changes in our plans:

1. We have an addition to our group of 5, which is Mahbuba!!! So now we are a group of 6.

2. Shortly after Mahbuba joined our group, we decided that it was better if we narrow down the designers from 5 or 6 of them to 2 designers as it is easier to research about them and come up with more questions to ask if we do the research on the same person together as a team. The two people we narrowed it down to are Eric Leong and Chong Fei Giap. 

3. We had discussions on the questions we are going to ask the designers, but the finalized questions are still pending. Also, sometimes we need to improvise on the questions we ask right on the spot so we need to be more prepared on the questions.
Shifa and Becca came up with a few great questions to ask the artists, and we changed and shifted the questions around for a bit when we feel like any of the questions needed any improvement. After the discussion, Yasmin decided that she would be doing some questions for Chong Fei Giap.

4. We had a group meeting earlier today, and we sent out emails and messages to the two artists to secure a date and venue for our interview. Yasmin typed a formal facebook message to Chong Fei Giap telling him about our purpose and asking him if we could secure a date t meet up with him for an interview. Shifa and Cigie typed Dr.Eric Leong a polite gmail to ask him if he would accept our request for an interview with him.

5. We received very great news on the same day that we sent the messages to the designers requesting for an interview! During this afternoon, Chong Fei Giap replied Yasmin and said that he would be available to have an interview with us. We secured the date, which is on the 13th of December 2014 to meet up with him in the afternoon in his studio. We are so excited and overjoyed to get a positive reply from him as we were quite worried that he would be too busy to have an interview with us.

All this researching has been a long process, and it takes time and effort to get everything to where it is right now, but it has been a positive experience up until now. We shall have to work extra hard on more researching now that we have an interview secured. We can only hope that Dr.Eric Leong also would reply us with a answer that agrees to our interview with him too. Until the next time we have more information, it is time for me to do more research now! Have a good week!

Here are two photoes taken during the discussion: 
Cigie was not looking at the camera in this photo, that's why we took another one.

Mahbuba, our new addition, is the one on the left.

 Week 8 (18 November 2014)

New progress and New Interviewees---Mr.CK and Melinda Looi

We had another meeting with Mr.Charles yesterday to tell him the good news of our confirmed meeting with Chong Fei Giap. Then, we told him about the fact that we did not get any reply from all the emails or facebook messages from Dr. Eric Leong. Mr.Charles suggested we meet up with some of the degree interior design lecturers from Taylors itself, and he suggested a lecturer named CK. We agreed and he proceeded to call Mr. CK, who happened to be having his lunch at Old Town in the university. We went there to have a short meeting with him and we confirmed the date and time for our interview with him, which will be next Tuesday(25 Nov) at 12pm. We will meet him at the 9th floor of Block C, where his office is. We have yet to come up with some specific questions for Mr. CK, but we are working on it. Hopefully, our very first interview will go very well.

On another note, while we already have 2 people to interview, the more the merrier. Therefore, we are always open to more suggestions to interview. Becca suggested that we can try to interview a fashion designer who is situated in Bangsar, which is quite near to our location, which is very convenient for us. Her suggestion is Melinda Looi, so we will have to do a bit of research of Melinda Looi so we will have more information about her and get to know her more so we can come up with some questions for her interview if she agrees to meet us. 

That is all for now, I am off to do some research about Melinda Looi now.

Week 8 (20 November 2014)

New Questions for Mr.CK

I, along with Shifa and Cigie, came up with a few questions to ask Mr.CK. Becca and Yasmin also came up with their own set of questions for him too. The questions and the photographs of our noting down of them will be listed below:

-What does CK stand for? Is it short for his full name or a nickname with a story behind it?

-When did he first know that he wants to have interior design as a job?

-Why did he choose to teach interior design instead of being an interior designer full-time? 

-How long has he been teaching as an interior design lecturer?

-Has he ever thought of being a full-time interior designer? If so, when?

-What part of interior design does he like the most? For example, does he like to choose the colour schemes, find the right furniture, etc.

-What type of style does he use for his designing overall and also on each different object/subject such as wallpaper, furniture, floor tiles or boards, etc.

-What concept is he looking for in his designs?

-Does he have any of his designs in his house, office, or around the school compounds? If so, can he show us any of his creations?

-What is his drive and motivation for doing what he does?

These are the questions I wrote down and thought of with the help of Shifa and Cigie:

Questions for Mr.CK's colleagues:

Questions of Becca's that she sent to me via whatsapp:

Questions of Yasmin's that she also sent to me via whatsapp:

Questions of Mahbuba's via whatsapp:

Week 9 (25 November 2014)

Our First Interview: Interviewing Mr. CK

We interviewd Mr. CK during our lunch hour at 12pm, 2 hours before our next class, which was our English class. We went to Mr. CK's office at Block C on the 9th floor. That was our first time stepping foot on the 9th floor of any block and we were nervous as it is the lecturers' office area and we feel like we were not supposed to be there. We saw a few students walking into the office area with confidence and we felt a bit better as we were not the only students there, so we walked into the area cautiously, feeling very lost as there were a lot of cubicles inside. We asked one of the lecturers that we were passing by about Mr. CK's cubicle and he directed us to a list that showed us all the lecturers' office cubicles. We quickly found the cubicle that Mr. CK was at.
There, we were greeted by Mr. CK himself and we proceeded to set up our tripods and cameras to record the interview. Cigie and I were the ones who recorded with our cameras, Yasmin used her camera to take some photographs, and Becca, Mahbuba, and Shifa were the ones to interview Mr. CK with the questions we prepared and also with some spontaneous questions that Becca thought of on the spot. The interview went quite well and Mr. CK had amazing answers to our questions. I love some of the answers he gave, he is a very deep person. 

There was one big complication we had towards the end of the interview. Both Cigie and my cameras' memories were full, and we had already deleted all the previous photoes and videos we had taken in the past before the interview, so the entire video of the interview actually took up all the space of the cameras. Cigie's camera stopped recording before mine did so I had some extra footage that she does not. Shortly after her camera stopped recording, Cigie took out her phone and used it to record the rest of the interview instead. After a few minutes of extra recording, my camera's memory was full too, but thankfully, Cigie was recording with her phone, so we did manage to record that part of the interview that my camera did not record. Unfortunately, my phone was on the table as Mr. CK used it to see the questions we had for him before the interview to prepare for our questions, so Yasmin helped me to record the rest of the interview with her phone as her camera does not have much memory in it too. Shortly after that, we wrapped up the interview with a final question, and we were done for the day. 

We thanked Mr. CK for having us there and for taking some time off from his busy schedule to do this interview with us, and he showed us a few of his works displayed in the room, and also some of his students' work too. We finished the interview at 1.30pm, 30 minutes before we have Psychology class. Mr. CK was very kind to us even though it was our first time doing an interview and we were not as professional as we wanted to be. We thanked him once again, and we parted ways as he also had to get to his class to prepare for his students too. The interview was a very great experience for us to learn and we had such an amazing interviewee that was kind enough to forgive our flaws. That is all the update I have for this week. Thanks for reading my blog and have a great week!

Some of his students' work:

Mr.CK's work that he puts in his office:

Yasmin sent us the photographs from her camera through Facebook:

Photographs I got from Yasmin on Facebook:
Interview in progress.

Cigie(blocked by me) and I being the camera people.

Our group photo with Mr.CK!!!

Week 11 (8 December 2014)

Questions for Chong Fei Giap
We met up at the library today to discuss about and to prepare the questions that we want to ask Chong Fei Giap and his colleagues. After an hour or more, we came up with 12 questions for Mr.Chong and 3 more for his colleagues. From our previous experience in our previous interview, we learnt that it was much better if we sent the questions to the interviewee beforehand so that he or she could prepare on what to answer first rather than it being too impromptu and unexpected. This also lets them tell us if there are any questions that they are not comfortable answering or any questions that they think are not really related to them. Here is the list of questions that we came up with for Mr. Fei Giap and his co-workers:

Mr. Chong Fei Giap
Date: 13 December 2014 (Date of Interview)
Interview Questions

1. Tell us about yourself.
2. How would you describe your work style?
3. What philosophy guides your work?
4. How did you first get into illustration?
5. What motivates you?
6. How do you gain ideas/inspiration?
7. Do you have multiple drawing styles or do you prefer to stick to one?
8. Have you ever encounter a downfall? If so, please tell us more about it. 
9. What is your working environment like?
10. In your projects (colours of scenery) we noticed that it contains fantasy themed of old      buildings. What is your motive behind it?
11. When concurring a project, what is the most important factor to you?
12. Any advice to the students who is studying/graduated in the same field?

(For his colleagues) 1. How do you find Mr. Chong Fei Giap in this working environment?
2. Did he ever influenced you in any way? If yes, please tell us more.
3. When collaborating with Mr. Ching Fei Giap, do you stick to the same techniques most of the time or do you prefer to mix it up?

This are two screenshots of Yasmin sending Mr. Fei Giap the questions through her Facebook Messenger:

After we were done with setting up the questions, Yasmin helped us to send out the questions to Mr. Chong Fei Giap for him to prepare his answers beforehand.

Week 11 (10 December 2014)

Update with Mr.Charles
Two days after we met up for the questions for Mr.Chong, we met Mr.Charles in the drawing room to update him on our current progress on our interviews. We told him that we just prepared the questions and sent them to Mr. Fei Giap. On the other hand, we also told him about our troubles and some problems that we face while doing this group work and we discussed on how to overcome those barriers. 

One of the hurdles that we have to get over is that Mr.CK requested for us not to put our video of him on any social media as he is not the kind of person that likes to have exposure. We were actually planning to put the video up on YouTube and also on our respective blogs as part of our assignment, but we cannot do it without his consent. Therefore, we told our problem to Mr.Charles and asked him for advice on how to overcome this hurdle. Mr.Charles had 2 suggestions. First, he will try to talk to Mr.CK and get his consent for us to put his video up on our blogs and on YouTube. Meanwhile, we shall discuss on how to go around this problem if Mr.CK really does not want his video to be put up. One of the things he suggested was to search for photographs of Mr.CK's works and put them up as a kind of slide show while his voice runs in the background of the video. That way, we will be able to hide his identity while still being able to post our video up on our blogs and on YouTube or any other social medias that we want to put it up on. We also have to discuss on what kind of theme we would want to use for our videos and to plan out everything that we have to do to make it the best video we can make. 

That is all our progress and discussions as of now. I shall post our progress on our interview with Mr. Chong Fei Giap very soon. 

Week 11 (13 December 2014)

Second Interview: Interview with Mr. Chong Fei Giap
Today is the day that we had set to interview Mr. Chong Fei Giap. There was a slight change of plans along the way as we had planned to do the interview at 2pm, but since Mr. Fei Giap opens his studio at 10am, we decided that we could go earlier too, and decided on meeting up with him at 10.30am. 

All the members gathered at Taylor's University at 9.45am, and we set out to go to Mr. Chong's studio for the scheduled interview. 5 of us rode in Shifa's car and Becca went to the location herself as her mother could send her there. We arrived in time, and as the studio's lifts need an access card to be used, Yasmin called Mr. Chong and he came down to bring us up to his studio. 

Mr. Fei Giaps's studio is a cozy place full of signs of his illustrations and his love for art and design everywhere. It is a homey and friendly place, and Mr. Chong was so kind and friendly to us. He is also humble about his works.

We went ahead with the plan and set up Yasmin and Cigie's cameras on the tripods and started the interview. Cigie and I interviewed Mr. Chong, and Yasmin snapped a few photographs while Mr.Fei Giap was being interviewed. After that, Yasmin interviewed one of his coworkers. The coworker was very friendly too, and was willing to answer the questions we had for her.

After the interviews, we took the cameras and tripods down and explored the studio a little, taking a few photographs here and there. When we were about to leave, Mr. Fei Giap surprised us by giving us a souvenir to take home with us. It was an entire pack of his illustrations from his art collection called "Colours of Scenery". We were very glad to get that, but Yasmin was the most excited as he is her favourite designer. She even asked an autograph from him and he kindly signed on her notebook. Here are some photographs that I took around the studio:

The Logo of his studio, "Runnng Snail Studios".

The Logo from the bottom left corner.

The place where his coworkers work.

I saw this on the floor and it suits him so well as he is a hardworking designer/illustrator.

Candid photo of Mr. Chong, with Yasmin taking photoes of the collection of cards he gifted to us.

Mr. Chong's work space.

Mr. Chong Fei Giap working at his work space.

Week 13 (21st to 23rd December 2014)

Video-Making Process
After the interview with Mr. Fei Giap, there comes the long and tedious process of making the video and also merging the videos of both Mr. Chong and Mr. CK's interviews together. As it would be unfair if just one person did all the editing, we split it to 2 people. I would do the interview for Mr. Fei Giap while Cigie offered to do the video for Mr.CK, which is more difficult as that was our first time recording and there were a lot of technical problems going on at the time, which requires more of Cigie's time to edit the videos and cut out the unnecessary parts. I thank Cigie very much for offering to take up that job as it was not an easy or quick task to do, but she did it anyway! 

On these 3 days, I spent my pre-Christmas days editing the videos for both Mr. Chong's and his co-worker's interviews. It only took me a few hours to finish with his colleague's interview as it was a short interview and we only asked 3 questions as we wanted to focus more on Mr. Fei Giap. On the other hand, the interview with Mr. Chong Fei Giap, albeit much easier and less time consuming to edit compared to Mr.CK's video, took longer than I thought, and it took almost 3 days to complete, and that is without subtitles or merging the video with the audio from Yasmin's phone recording yet. Nevertheless, after I was done with the first step, I was happy as I could reward myself with a happy Christmas time, and I could continue with the video editing after Christmas was over.

As I had never edited any videos before, I had to go somewhere to learn the how-to basics of it all. The editor I used was called VideoPad Editor, and I searched up YouTube on how to use that video editor. Here is the video that I watched to get the concept of how to use VideoPad:


I wrote these so I could know which minutes and seconds of the video to add into the overall video. A tedious process, but very helpful and for me, necessary.

Same thing as the above, except this one is for the colleague's interview. Therefore, it is shorter.

Week 14 (31st December 2014)

Video-Making Process - Subtitling
Christmas is truly over, but New Years is the next day. Nevertheless, I spent my Christmas daytime (morning til evening) doing my video editing again, since I had nothing to do anyway. I did have a New Years eve dinner with my church LifeGroup members that night though, so I was hoping to get done with my subtitling for both videos before I leave for the dinner at night. Thankfully, I did manage just in time to finish putting subtitles with both the videos of Mr. Chong and his colleague right before I had to leave. Putting subtitles was not a very fun process as I had to repeat the same part of the same video over and over again as to get the right words as some parts were quite soft and not understandable even through earphones, and that is why we decided to put subtitles for the videos, so the viewers would be able to watch it without straining their ears to listen closely. It was my first time doing video editing, so of course it was my first time doing subtitles for a video. I did Mr. Fei Giap's colleague's video first as that one did not require too much time, and after that, I started with his interview. I was so happy that I managed to finish that part of my video editing process as I would have kept thinking about my unfinished work when I was out with my friends that night if I had not finished it in time. And it was truly a miracle that God gave to me, for me to be able to finish subtitling within one day especially when my laptop was lagging so much and it was really starting to irritate me a lot. But I did not give up, and kept persevering, and the end result was very satisfying. I had an enjoyable dinner and an awesome New Years that day! :) 

Putting subtitles for Mr.Chong Fei Giap's interview video.
Those grey boxes on the left of the screen are the subtitles for every few seconds.
One box for every time the line of subtitles on the screen changes.

After I was done with Mr. Fei Giap's interview, I started doing the subtitles for his colleague's video.

Week 16 (12th to 14th January 2015)

Video-Making Process - Audio/Recording Merging
It is that time again where I have to do some video editing again! The dreaded thing to do as I love to listen to music while doing my work, but with video editing, I cannot listen to music as I have to listen to the people speaking in the video, and one of the people happened to be me, so listening to myself speak was a very annoying process, especially when I had to listen to myself repeating over and over again. Moreover, I had to watch as sometimes, my mouth movements do not match with my voice when I edit it wrongly and had to redo it. Why? That's it, you guessed that right, it is time to merge the muted video to the audio recording on Yasmin's phone, because it was clearer than the audio from the original video recording. 

I spent around 2 days doing the audio merging with Mr. Chong Fei Giap's original interview, which was on the 12th and 13th January, then I did his colleague's video audio merging the next day, which was 14th January, after Social Psychology class and during the time when we were supposed to have Contextual Studies class, but Mr.Charles was kind enough to give us the time off to do our video editing. 

After these 3 processes, I was finally almost done with the video editing! All we need to do now is to merge these 2 videos with Cigie's video, and we will be done. Last but not least, we need to do the final report for the entire group assignment, and Yasmin would be the main person to help us to do this, with the rest of us helping her for some parts.

Minutes and seconds for the merging process for Mr. Fei Giap's interview viedo.
As you can see, very stressful and time consuming. (TERRIBLY SORRY!!!)

The minutes and seconds for Mr. Chong's colleague's interview video merging. 
Much better than the previous one.

Week 18 (4th February 2015)

The Videos:
This first video is the video of Mr.CK that was edited by Cigie.

The second video is of Mr. Chong Fei Giap, edited by me.

Overall Report and Thoughts
Over this entire semester while doing this assignment, I have learned a lot of things both from the experience of doing the project with minimal help from the lecturer and also from the interviews and the replies of the people we had interviewed.

Here is what I have learned during the duration of this assignment:

The purpose for us to have this assignment is for us to have a deeper understanding towards the world of design. We can know more about different types of Design rather than just being in our own circle. We have to discover what's out of the box. Moreover, it is also to know more about the artists and their style and to learn from their mistakes, and from their triumphs. It would also benefit us if we can get to know their secrets of how they got to get through every obstacle and become who they are now. This assignment is also for us to get to know their different work styles and how they can make themselves compatible to other's work styles and how they manage to merge with others and work with different people. We can also get to know the philosophy that guides their works and their motivations to keep moving on through their ordeals, and also to know what inspires them to do what they do. We can find out about different drawing styles rather than just those that we are familiar with, and get to know what the interviewees' working environments are like. Lastly, this interviews are also to get some advice from them as they have been in the industry for quite some time and have much more experience than us. 

Our group consists of 6 people, Cigie, Yasmin, Becca, Shifa, Mahbuba, and I.
Yasmin is communicator for us and Fei Giap. And she did the research for Fei Giap. Shifa, Mahbuba, and Becca are interviewers for Mr.CK. Casey and Cigie interviewed Mr. Chong Fei Giap while Yasmin interviewed Fei Giap's colleague. Yasmin used her phone to voice record, while Cigie and Casey recorded the interview with Mr.CK using their DSLRs. We used Cigie and Yasmin's cameras to record the interview with Mr. Fei Giap. Shifa, Mahbuba, and Becca recorded Mr.Fei Giap's interview. Casey and Cigie did the video editing.

There are a lot of limitations we had while doing this assignment. One of them is that it is very difficult to come up with a person to interview and research about as we all have different people we wanted to interview. When we finally came up with someone whom we all agreed to interview, it is very difficult to reach them as they are very busy with their own jobs. We also found it very difficult to set a date to meet for the interview as we all are busy, having other things to do. Also, the interviewee is also busy and their timetables will also clash with ours. The uncertainty of our timetables, as life is very unpredictable and timetables could change due to some other factor, lets us not to be able to set a proper date to meet up with the interviewee earlier. In addition, other assignments and classes also makes us not able to meet up as often, as we all chose different electives. Sometimes, it is not easy to research about some people as there are limited information on the people we are researching on. After we have finally come up with people to interview and contacted plus made a set date with them, another obstacle comes along, and that is that it is very hard to come up with questions for them. Furthermore, this is our first time doing an interview, so we do not have the training or any idea on how to act in front of the camera professionally. As it is our first time doing this, of course we did have a lot of difficulty in the camera and tripod department. We also overestimated the time frame and the memories in our memory cards, and the recording stopped halfway as the memory card did not have enough memory to store the entire interview. This is also because we underestimated the amount the interviewee would answer each question, and as a result, he talked too long, and therefore there was not enough memory to record the entire interview, and we had to se our phones to record after that. I also found out that video editing is a long and tedious process, and there are many things to do to make a video perfect. For a first timer in video editing, there are so many cut scenes to crop out of the recording, as it was our first time doing an interview, and there were many mistakes and/or unneeded information.

What did we learn about styles and practice?
What we have learned from the people we interviewed was that every designer has their own unique and different style in their respective works. They all practice differently, and use different items and tools for their works, and all of them have their different ideas. None of them have the same ideas. We all have our different types of ways to do it. For example, some of us prefer hand drawing our art, but some like to use multimedia and computers such as Adobe Illustrator to produce their artworks. Also, there are a lot of different styles such as realism, or pop art, or anime. Some people like to mix it up, and like to try different things all the time.

Is it the same for every designer or different? 
As stated in the above question, every designer has a different unique style. But according to Mr.CK, his style is no style, which means that he experiments on all styles, and he like to follow the style that his customers like, to satisfy the customer. This means that Mr.CK is a very flexible man and can merge with any style that he is asked to use. For Mr.Fei Giap and his colleague, even though they have their own styles, most of the time, especially when they collaborate with others, they have to try diff styles to accommodate with their client, or anyone they are working with at the moment. Sometimes, they like to explore other styles,so they will occasionally wander off from their original style and pursue other types of styles. This is what makes them able to adapt to all styles and grow as designers in the industry.

Would their information and experiences give us a better idea of the industry?
Their information and experiences will help us a lot throughout our own experiences as growing designers. That is because we are like the students and they are the wise teachers that have taken what they have learned and experienced from their past experiences, and tell us all about those experiences in order to warn us as not to make the same mistakes as they had once done. They also teach us a lot through telling us their ups and downs and how they got through their downs. There is always the good and the bad in everything, but for us to get the good, we have to go through a lot, and they are here to help us. What they said will help us to prepare for what lies ahead of our journey. We cannot avoid the bad, of course, but it is always great to get some information and advice from those who are already very knowledgeable in design. It would help to offer and let us know of what lies ahead in our journey, and what the industry is about. That, to me, is always a plus for us.

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