Sunday 29 June 2014

Introduction to Photography: Week 13

27.6.2014 (Week 13)

Casey Chong Jing Ping (0318756)
Introduction to Photography
Presentation: Final Project

For today's lecture, Mr.Vinod started the class by giving us our individual feedbacks on our progress in the final project so far. He did not give much, just enough to give us a heads up to continue our progress even better than before. When it came to my feedback, he said that my photographs are too similar to each other, which means that my consistency is too high. He said that it might be because that the place that I am taking these photographs at is a little too small and does not have much things to take photographs of. But in my case, it was actually because I was too lazy to explore the place further except going opposite the church. It was also partly because I was too afraid to venture any farther from the church as that place is quite isolated. Mr.Vinod told me to go beyond the limits and to wander farther and not be lazy to do that. Also, pesonally, I think that I should be braver and not be afraid to venture farther and take more photographs. After that, Mr.Vinod talked about our Learning Style Inventory. It is a test that we took, and I put the results of my test in my previous post. The results say that I am an auditory learner. At first, I disagreed with my results, because I thought myself as a visual learner, but as Mr.Vinod explained about the results, I began to understand, and I understood why I am an auditory learner. Most of the facts he said about the auditory learner applies to me, and I have learnt a lot from that. Next, Mr.Vinod discussed about the Multiple Intelligence Test. We had taken that test at the starting of the semester, and then we retook the test recently. I posted the results to both the tests in the week 11 post. The reason why we took the test again was to show that we changed our ways during these pass few weeks while learning in Mr.Vinod's class. There are slight changes to the results of the tests and that proves something. Through this test, I have learnt and understand myself better, as Mr.Vinod explained everything thoroughly. After the discussions, Mr.Vinod briefly told us about the studio photography work we have to do for the next two weeks. We are to find a photograph taken in the studio during the 1930's to 1950's and dress up similarly to the photographs and take a self-portrait. It will be so much fun. Mr.Vinod briefly told us about the things to do and to bring for nest week and the week after. Lastly, he brought us to the photography studio and told us how the equipments work and the rules of the studio. After that, the class was dismissed and we went to have lunch.

Exercise: Final Project
In these 5 photographs, I went to another different section of the abandoned building place and took the photographs, so this gives a whole new perspective to the subject.

This photograph gives a new perspective to this topic as I have always just taken photographs of walls, cars, and the road. In this photograph, I took the entire building in perspective view. If I could take something out, it would be all the cars because they do not really fit into the picture. But as I had limited time that day, I had to take the photographs fast. Next week, if I have time, I will retake this photograph and hopefully there will be no cars. 

Even if this photograph looks quite messy, I just like the perfect and unmessy grill gates that lead to darkness, and then you can see the messy wood and planks in front of the grill gates  And to add to the photograph, the two planks on the left, their intersecting points seem to be right at the intersection point for the Rule of Thirds, which is perfect. 

This is a simple photograph of a huge crack on the ground, and the top part of the photograph has a plank on the ground. I seem to love taking photographs of the ground cracking, I'm sorry but this is just me. And I really love this photograph. It's so simple, yet the Rule of Thirds apply so greatly here. Can you spot how I used it?

This photograph is a whole different way for me to take the photograph. I had to face my camera upwards, towards the sky and balance it. This is where my awesome camera's flip screen comes in handy. Again it is simple, if I could, I would take the air-conditioners away, but somehow, they actually help to enhance the photograph. 

In this photograph, it is the back of a building with two old dustbin and the floor cracked and dirty. Now that I look at it, I realize that I probably should have cropped the right part of the wall off and the lower part of the floor off to make this photograph much better. But it's actually quite good like that too. 

Screenshots for Hardcopies:

From this week's class, I have observed that quite a few of my classmates did not attend class this morning, but not because they intended not to come. They could not wake up in time to come to class, they overslept and by the time they woke up, it was too late as they would probably not be able to make it to class due to the traffic jam even if they tried. It is a pity that photography class starts so early in the morning and everyone is usually sleepy and tired in class. Some of my classmates came late to class too because they woke up late, but they woke up in time that they we at least able to make it to class before it ends. I have also observed that some of us got the hang of taking good photographs while others are still getting there. I think that I am one of those who are not very there yet as I still have yet to take amazing photographs with amazing consistency. I need to work harder. My friend Katrina is an example of someone who got the hang of it, as most of her photographs came out amazing and she has great feedback. I have also observed that as each week passes, it is getting more difficult to get good photographs for the project, as there are less and less things to take photographs of. I also realized that people change. When Mr.Vinod told us about the two tests, he said that everyone's answer everytime they take the test again. Also, everyone is different in their own way. Everyone's test results come out different and no two people will get the same answers and results in their tests, especially for the Multiple Intelligence Test. Moreover, I have observed that the photo studio is almost similar to the class that we have photography class at. The only difference is that the photo studio is fully equipped with all the necessary things for studio photography, such as the screen and lights. The photo studio is also neater and has a lot less chairs then the photography class classroom.
Lastly, I have observed that Mr.Vinod is a nest person as he takes good care of his photo studio and he is strict with the cleanliness and tidiness rules of the photo studio. The photo studio is a very clean and neat place, and shoes are not allowed inside the studio.

My experience this week was quite intense. It started a few hours right after class ended. Class ended early and we had quite some free time before our next class, so my friends and I decided to go have lunch at Empire or Subang Parade. On the way back to school after lunch, I noticed something that really captured my attention. It was a burnt up shell of a once usable motorcycle lying on an island by the road right next to the car I was sitting in. It was ugly and it was creepy, but most of all, it was fascinating. We were stuck in a minor jam, and it was right there beside the car and I was so tempted to ask Jannie, the driver, to stop the car right there in the middle of all the traffic, whip out my phone and tripod, and just snap a few photoes right there in the middle of the road with all the angry drivers behind us staring and honking. But, the major problem was that I did not bring my camera or tripod along with me, and I regretted not bringing it along with me, as that epic photograph would make such an amazing photograph for my final project. Maybe if I get to go to Empire and pass by that spot again, I might get to take a photo of that carcass of the bike. I will make sure to bring my DSLR and tripod along with me. The next day, Saturday, came and it was time to go to church. As I arrived at church too late to take photographs, I took them after church. It was getting dark after church session, so I had to take photographs quick. This time, I wandered quite far away from the usual spot, and also quite far from the church area, which was pretty scary as it was isolated, because it is an isolated building that I chose as my theme. I did not manage to take that many photographs, but I quite liked the outcome of the few photographs that I managed to get before it got too dark to take photographs. These photographs are quite different from the usual broken glass and roadsides. It was aiming more to the buildings this time. As for people staring, I managed to sneak away from the crowd without anyone noticing, but I did tell a few of my friends where I was going and to wait for me and not leave me behind without realizing it. As I tried to sneak back into the crowd unnoticed, two friends of mine noticed me and asked me some questions. It was quite weird and embarrassing but I think I am getting the hang of all these ''embarrassments''. Apart from that, everything worked out fine. I hope to go to church earlier net week so I can spend all my free time taking even more and even better photographs.

I found out this week through the Multiple Intelligence Test, I have changed a bit. The results from my tests uring week 2 and week 11 were different. Furthermore, I found out that I am an auditory learner. It means that I can remember and learn more through sound, like listening to the speaker speak, or taping a lecture and relistening to it when I get back home to refresh my memory. At first, I strongly disagreed to the test results, because I felt that I was more of a visual learner, as I quite liked to draw and write notes down during lecture. I even wrote down notes for this ePortfolio blog before typing it out. But as I listened to Mr.Vinod's explaination, it began to make more sense to me and I slowly realized that the test was right. Mr.Vinod said that an auditory learner tends to think a lot, and therefore you can see that as their ePortfolios, blogs, or essays tend to get very long as hey voice out all their thoughts and opinions there, and as you can clearly see, my ePortfolio is filled with so much words and thoughts. Sometimes, I'm really tempted to just write a few sentences and get it done with my blog, but somehow, I always end up typing more then I intended to, I guess it's the auditory learner in me. Another fact was that auditory learners tend to listen to music as they do their work and assignments, or even while studying. I tend to do that 99% of the time, so that is very accurate. So, now I learned that I am an auditory learner and not a visual learner as I thought I would be. All the different types of learners are in all of us, it is just that one type is more dominant and tends to stand out more. In addition, I have also learned that in order to take good photographs, you need time and rushing while taking photographs is not a very good idea. It will result in not very good pictures. I have also found out how to ship clothing over from my hometown to my current address here. This is because for the studio photography assignment, I chose a photograph that requires a long white dress. I do not have one here and I do not have money to just go out and buy a long dress that I will only wear for a few hours, then I realized that I have one that I bought for a dinner last year at my home back in my hometown. So I learned the ways of how to ship the clothing over to my current address. 

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